Source code for aiida_catmat.workchains.vasp_multistage

"""``VaspMultiStageWorkChain`` - A general purpose and modular AiiDA workchain
to combine any sequence of ``VASP`` calculation"""
import os
import yaml

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

from aiida.orm import Bool, CifData, Dict, Int, Float, List, RemoteData, Str, WorkChainNode, StructureData
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.engine import calcfunction, WorkChain, ToContext, append_, while_
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory, WorkflowFactory

from aiida_catmat.calcfunctions import dict_merge
from aiida_catmat.utils import prepare_process_inputs

VaspBaseWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('vasp.base')  #pylint: disable=invalid-name
PotcarData = DataFactory('vasp.potcar')  #pylint: disable=invalid-name
KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')  #pylint: disable=invalid-name
# StructureData = DataFactory('structure')  #pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def get_magmom(structure_pmg: Structure) -> dict: """Construct ``MAGMOM`` tag from pymatgen structure object. It is tricky to provide initial magnetization in an ``AiiDA`` structure object as we can only have values of ``0``, ``1``, and ``-1`` stored in such object. Here, I first get a ``default_magmoms`` from the ``pymatgen`` structure and based on the atomic numbers. Then, I check for avilability of `spin` tag on sites in the structure. This way I can also work on structures with different magnetic ordering. I put these in ``strc_magmoms`` list. Finally, these two lists will be merged. Args: structure_pmg (Structure): The input structure Returns: dict: The initial ``MAGMOM`` to setup the calculation. """ # Get default default_magmoms = [] for specie in structure_pmg.species: if specie.Z > 56: default_magmoms.append(7) elif specie.Z > 20: default_magmoms.append(5) else: default_magmoms.append(0.6) # Get from structure strc_magmoms = [] for site in structure_pmg: if hasattr(site.specie, 'spin'): strc_magmoms.append(site.specie.spin) else: strc_magmoms.append(0) # merge magmom = [] for m1, m2 in zip(strc_magmoms, default_magmoms): #pylint: disable=invalid-name if m1 != 0: magmom.append(m1 * m2) else: magmom.append(m2) magmom_dict = {} magmom_dict['MAGMOM'] = magmom return magmom_dict
# Get Hubbard parameters if DFT+U is requested
[docs]def get_hubbard(structure: StructureData, hubbard_tag: str) -> dict: """Constructs ``LDAU`` related parta of ``INCAR``. Args: structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object hubbard_tag (str): The `tag` which defines which set of ``U`` parameters should be used. Returns: dict: A disctionary of all needed tags related to ``DFT+U`` calculation. """ thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) yaml_path = os.path.join(thisdir, '..', 'data', 'hubbard_sets.yaml') with open(yaml_path, 'r') as file: hubbard_sets = yaml.safe_load(file) hubbard_params = hubbard_sets[hubbard_tag] structure_pmg = structure.get_pymatgen_structure(add_spin=True) if any(element.Z > 56 for element in structure_pmg.composition): lmaxmix = 6 elif any(element.Z > 20 for element in structure_pmg.composition): lmaxmix = 4 hubbard_dict = {'LDAU': True, 'LDAUPRINT': 1, 'LDAUTYPE': 2, 'LMAXMIX': lmaxmix} LDAUU = [] #pylint: disable=invalid-name LDAUJ = [] #pylint: disable=invalid-name LDAUL = [] #pylint: disable=invalid-name kinds = structure.get_kind_names() for kind in kinds: kind_no_digit = ''.join(i for i in kind if not i.isdigit()) if kind_no_digit in hubbard_params['LDAUU']: LDAUU.append(hubbard_params['LDAUU'][kind_no_digit]) LDAUJ.append(hubbard_params['LDAUJ'][kind_no_digit]) LDAUL.append(hubbard_params['LDAUL'][kind_no_digit]) else: LDAUU.append(0) LDAUJ.append(0) LDAUL.append(-1) hubbard_dict.update({'LDAUU': LDAUU, 'LDAUJ': LDAUJ, 'LDAUL': LDAUL}) return hubbard_dict
[docs]def get_potcar_mapping(structure: StructureData, potcar_set_tag: str) -> dict: """Cosntructs potcar_mapping Args: structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object potcar_set_tag (str): This `tag` defines which set of ``POTCAR`` files will be used. Returns: dict: A dictionary which maps atomic kinds to relevant ``POTCAR`` s. """ thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) yaml_path = os.path.join(thisdir, '..', 'data', 'potcar_sets.yaml') with open(yaml_path) as default: potcar_dict = yaml.safe_load(default) sel_potcars = potcar_dict[potcar_set_tag.value] mapping = {} kinds = structure.get_kind_names() for kind in kinds: kind_no_digit = ''.join(i for i in kind if not i.isdigit()) mapping[kind] = sel_potcars[kind_no_digit] return mapping
[docs]def should_sort_structure(structure: StructureData) -> bool: """Checks whether structure after calculations needs to be sorted again. If sign of magnetic moment is changed after the calculation, it groups spin-up and spin-down sites togther. Args: structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object Returns: bool: Returns ``True`` if the structure needs to sorted. """ import functools #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel structure_pmg = structure.get_pymatgen_structure(add_spin=True) structure_pmg_sorted = structure.get_pymatgen_structure(add_spin=True) structure_pmg_sorted.sort() species = structure_pmg.species species_sorted = structure_pmg_sorted.species spin = [] for s in species: #pylint: disable=invalid-name spin.append(getattr(s, 'spin', 0)) spin_sorted = [] for s in species_sorted: #pylint: disable=invalid-name spin_sorted.append(getattr(s, 'spin', 0)) stat = [] if functools.reduce(lambda i, j: i and j, map(lambda m, k: m == k, spin, spin_sorted), True): stat.append(False) else: stat.append(True) return all(stat)
[docs]@calcfunction def setup_protocols(protocol_tag: Str, structure: StructureData, user_incar_settings: Str) -> Dict: """Constructs the all ``INCAR`` settings from a ``protocol_tag`` and user-defined settings. Args: protocol_tag (Str): An string which defines the protocol to be used. structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object user_incar_settings (Str): The user-defined ``INCAR`` tags to overwrite/append protocol onces. Returns: Dict: A dictionary of all ``INCAR`` settings for the whole stages of workchain. """ # Get user-defined stages and alternative settings from yaml file thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) protocol_path = os.path.join(thisdir, 'protocols', 'vasp', protocol_tag.value + '.yaml') with open(protocol_path, 'r') as protocol: protocol = yaml.safe_load(protocol) # User-defined INCAR settings passed to workchain. user_incar_settings = user_incar_settings.get_dict() if user_incar_settings['LDAU']: for key in protocol.keys(): protocol[key]['LDAU'] = True # Check for LREAL nions = 0 comp = structure.get_composition() for nion in comp.values(): nions += nion if nions <= 8: lreal = {'LREAL': False} else: lreal = {'LREAL': 'Auto'} # Update MAGMOM and LDAU section in all stages! for key in protocol.keys(): dict_merge(protocol[key], lreal) dict_merge(protocol[key], user_incar_settings) return Dict(dict=protocol)
[docs]@calcfunction def set_kpoints(structure: StructureData, kspacing: Float, kgamma: Bool, force_parity: Bool) -> KpointsData: """Constructs ``KpointsData`` object. Args: structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object kspacing (Float): The value for ``KSPACING`` kgamma (Bool): Set to ``True`` for Gamma-centered mesh. force_parity (Bool): Set to ``True`` to force parity in generating the mesh. Returns: KpointsData: The ``AiiDA`` kpoints data object. """ kpoints = KpointsData() kpoints.set_cell_from_structure(structure) if kgamma: kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(kspacing.value, force_parity=force_parity.value) else: kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(kspacing.value, offset=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], force_parity=force_parity.value) return kpoints
[docs]@calcfunction def sort_structure(structure: StructureData) -> StructureData: """Sorts structure if the ``should_sort_structure`` returns ``True``. Args: structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object Returns: StructureData: The ``AiiDA`` structure object (sorted version of input structure) """ structure_pmg = structure.get_pymatgen_structure(add_spin=True) structure_pmg.sort() return StructureData(pymatgen_structure=structure_pmg)
[docs]@calcfunction def get_stage_incar( protocol: Dict, structure: StructureData, stage_tag: Str, hubbard_tag: Str = None, prev_incar: Dict = None, modifications: Dict = None ) -> Dict: """Constructs the ``INCAR`` tags for each stage of calculation. Args: protocol (Dict): All ``INCAR`` settings for whole workchain. structure (StructureData): The ``AiiDA`` structure object stage_tag (Str): Specific tag for the current stage of calculation. hubbard_tag (Str, optional): The tag which defines which set ``U`` parameters to be used. Defaults to ``None``. prev_incar (Dict, optional): The ``INCAR`` settings from a previous stage. Defaults to None. modifications (Dict, optional): The modifications which are suggested by error handler. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: Dict: The resuting `INCAR`. """ next_incar = protocol[stage_tag.value] structure_pmg = structure.get_pymatgen_structure(add_spin=True) magmom = get_magmom(structure_pmg) dict_merge(next_incar, magmom) if hubbard_tag: hubbard = get_hubbard(structure, hubbard_tag.value) dict_merge(next_incar, hubbard) if prev_incar: param_list = ['ALGO', 'ISMEAR', 'SIGMA', 'SYMPREC', 'AMIN', 'ISYM', 'KPAR', 'LREAL'] prev_incar = prev_incar.get_dict() # Update next incar with params from previous INCAR for param in param_list: if param in prev_incar: next_incar[param] = prev_incar[param] if prev_incar['IBRION'] == -1: next_incar['LREAL'] = False if modifications: modifications = modifications.get_dict() for key, value in modifications.items(): next_incar[key] = value return Dict(dict=next_incar)
[docs]@calcfunction def extract_wrap_results(**all_outputs: Dict) -> Dict: """Exctract and wrap results for whole workchain Returns: Dict: Results in the format of a dictionary. """ results_dict = {} for key, value in all_outputs.items(): results_dict[key] = value.get_dict() if 'complete_site_magnetizations' in results_dict[key]: del results_dict[key]['complete_site_magnetizations'] return Dict(dict=results_dict)
[docs]def get_last_input(workchain: WorkChainNode) -> Dict: """Gets the ``INCAR`` of the last stage of a workchain. Args: workchain (WorkChainNode): An `AiiDA WorkChainNode` Returns: Dict: The ``INCAR`` dictionary of the last stage of input workchain. """ calcjobs = [] descendants = workchain.called_descendants for desc in descendants: if desc.process_label == 'VaspCalculation': calcjobs.append(desc) pks = [ for cjob in calcjobs] last_index = pks.index(max(pks)) return calcjobs[last_index].inputs.parameters
#pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
[docs]class VaspMultiStageWorkChain(WorkChain): """The ``VaspMultiStageWorkChain``"""
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super().define(spec) spec.expose_inputs( VaspBaseWorkChain, include=[ 'clean_workdir', 'max_iterations', 'vasp.code', 'vasp.restart_folder', 'vasp.metadata', 'vasp.potential' ], namespace='vasp_base' ) spec.input( 'structure', valid_type=(StructureData, CifData), help='The input structue to perform calculations on' ) spec.input('parameters', valid_type=Dict, help='The input parameters.') spec.input('vasp_base.vasp.kpoints', valid_type=KpointsData, required=False, help='kpoints mesh') spec.input('kspacing', valid_type=Float, required=False, help='The kspacing tag to generate kpoints mesh') spec.input('kgamma', valid_type=Bool, required=False, help='gamma centered kpoints in kspacing case') spec.input( 'force_parity', valid_type=Bool, required=False, help='set to True to force parity in generated kpoint mesh' ) spec.input('magmom', valid_type=List, required=False, help='List of user supplied ``MAGMOM`` tag') spec.input( 'potential_family', valid_type=Str, required=True, help='The string which defines which potential (``POTCAR``) familiy we want to use' ) spec.input( 'potential_mapping', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='The disctionary which controls which specific ``POTCAR`` user wants to use for each atom type.' ) spec.input('settings', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input( 'protocol_tag', valid_type=Str, required=False, default=lambda: Str('S0R3S'), help='The string which controls which protocol to use for setting up the calculations.' ) spec.input( 'hubbard_tag', valid_type=Str, required=False, default=lambda: Str('MPSet'), help='The string that controls which set of ``U`` parameters user wants to use' ) spec.input( 'max_stage_iteration', valid_type=Int, default=lambda: Int(2), required=False, help='Maximum number of iterations/trials in case of failure.' ) spec.input( 'potcar_set', valid_type=Str, default=lambda: Str('VASP'), help='Select which potcar set should be used to construct mappin. ``VASP`` or ``MPRelaxSet``' ) spec.input( 'restart_folder', valid_type=RemoteData, required=False, help='Remote folder with data to use for restarting a calculation' ) spec.input( 'vasp_base.vasp.metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=str, default='vasp_base_parser', non_db=True, help='Parser of the calculation: the default is ``vasp_base_parser`` to get the necessary info' ) spec.outline( cls.initialize, while_(cls.should_run_next_stage)( cls.run_stage, cls.inspect_stage, ), cls.results, ) spec.exit_code(0, 'NO_ERROR', message='the sun is shining') spec.exit_code(420, 'ERROR_NO_CALLED_WORKCHAIN', message='no called workchain detected') spec.exit_code(800, 'ERROR_PROTOCOL_TAG', message='protocol has no stage_0 tag!') spec.exit_code(801, 'ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CALC', message='An unsupported calculation is requested!') spec.exit_code(802, 'ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE', message='VaspBaseWorkChain could not handle the failure!') spec.exit_code(803, 'ERROR_KPOINTSDATA_NOT_PROVIDED', message='KpoinstData is not provided in any form.') spec.exit_code(804, 'ERROR_NON_CONVERGED_GEOMETRY', message='KpoinstData is not provided in any form.') spec.output('structure', valid_type=StructureData, required=False) spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=True) spec.output('magmom', valid_type=List, required=False, help='List of MAGMOM') spec.output_namespace('final_incar', valid_type=Dict, required=False, dynamic=True)
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize inputs and settings""" # Initiate inputs and structure self.ctx.vasp_base = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(VaspBaseWorkChain, 'vasp_base')) self.ctx.current_structure = self.inputs.structure # Handle kpoints if 'kspacing' in self.inputs: self.ctx.kgamma = self.inputs.kgamma if 'kgamma' in self.inputs else Bool(False) self.ctx.force_parity = self.inputs.force_parity if 'force_parity' in self.inputs else Bool(False) if 'kgamma' in self.inputs: if self.inputs.kgamma: kpoints = set_kpoints( #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self.ctx.current_structure, self.inputs.kspacing, self.ctx.kgamma, self.ctx.force_parity, metadata={ 'label':'set_kpoints', 'description': 'calcfuntion to construct kpoints from kspacing', 'call_link_label':'run_set_kpoints' }) else: kpoints = set_kpoints( #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self.ctx.current_structure, self.inpts.kspacing, self.ctx.kgamma, self.ctx.force_parity, metadata={ 'label':'set_kpoints', 'description': 'calcfuntion to construct kpoints from kspacing', 'call_link_label':'run_set_kpoints' }) self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.kpoints = kpoints elif 'kpoints' in self.inputs.vasp_base.vasp: self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.kpoints = self.inputs.vasp_base.vasp.kpoints else: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_KPOINTSDATA_NOT_PROVIDED #pylint: disable=no-member # MAGMOM if 'magmom' in self.inputs: self.ctx.magmom = self.inputs.magmom self.ctx.hubbard_tag = None if self.inputs.parameters['LDAU']: self.ctx.hubbard_tag = self.inputs.hubbard_tag self.ctx.protocol = setup_protocols( #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self.inputs.protocol_tag, self.ctx.current_structure, self.inputs.parameters, metadata={ 'label':'setup_protocol', 'description': 'calcfuntion to get and setup INCAR for all stages.', 'call_link_label':'run_setup_protocol'}) # Settings if 'settings' in self.inputs: settings = AttributeDict(self.inputs.settings.get_dict()) else: settings = AttributeDict({'ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST': ['INCAR', 'OSZICAR']}) self.inputs.settings = settings self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.settings = self.inputs.settings self.ctx.all_outputs = {} self.ctx.stage_iteration = 0 self.ctx.prev_incar = None self.ctx.modifications = None # Restart folder # It is useful if user wants to restart later! if 'restart_folder' in self.inputs: self.ctx.restart_folder = self.inputs.restart_folder else: self.ctx.restart_folder = None self.ctx.stage_idx = 0 if f'stage_{self.ctx.stage_idx}' in self.ctx.protocol.get_dict(): self.ctx.should_run_next_stage = True else: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_PROTOCOL_TAG #pylint: disable=no-member # Get the requested calculation types self.ctx.stage_calc_types = {} for stage_tag in list(self.ctx.protocol.keys()): if self.ctx.protocol[stage_tag]['IBRION'] in [-1, 1, 2, 3]: if self.ctx.protocol[stage_tag]['IBRION'] == -1: self.ctx.stage_calc_types[stage_tag] = 'static' else: self.ctx.stage_calc_types[stage_tag] = 'relaxation' else: return self.ctx.exit_codes.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CALC
[docs] def should_run_next_stage(self): """True if there is another stage to run""" return self.ctx.should_run_next_stage
[docs] def run_stage(self): """Prepares and submits static calculations as long as they are needed.""" self.ctx.stage_tag = f'stage_{self.ctx.stage_idx}' # Check if structure needs to be sorted and do it. if should_sort_structure(self.ctx.current_structure): sorted_strucure = sort_structure(self.ctx.current_structure, metadata={ #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg 'label':'sort_structure', 'description': 'calcfuntion to sort structure', 'call_link_label':'run_sort_structure' }) self.ctx.current_structure = sorted_strucure self.ctx.restart_folder = None self.ctx['vasp_base']['vasp'].pop('restart_folder', None) self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.structure = self.ctx.current_structure self.inputs.potential_mapping = get_potcar_mapping( #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self.ctx.current_structure, self.inputs.potcar_set) self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.potential = PotcarData.get_potcars_from_structure( structure=self.ctx.current_structure, family_name=self.inputs.potential_family.value, mapping=self.inputs.potential_mapping ) # Get relevant INCAR for the current stage. self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.parameters = get_stage_incar( #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self.ctx.protocol, self.ctx.current_structure, Str(self.ctx.stage_tag), hubbard_tag=self.ctx.hubbard_tag, prev_incar=self.ctx.prev_incar, modifications=Dict(dict=self.ctx.modifications), metadata={ 'label':'get_stage_incar', 'description': 'calcfuntion to get INCAR for current stage', 'call_link_label':'run_get_stage_incar' }) # Restart if self.ctx.restart_folder: self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.restart_folder = self.ctx.restart_folder # Update lable anc call_link_label self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp['metadata'].update({ 'label': f'{self.ctx.stage_tag}_{self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag]}', 'call_link_label': f'run_{self.ctx.stage_tag}_{self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag]}', }) self.ctx.vasp_base['metadata'] = {} self.ctx.vasp_base['metadata']['label'] = self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp['metadata']['label'] self.ctx.vasp_base['metadata']['call_link_label'] = self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp['metadata']['call_link_label'] inputs = prepare_process_inputs(VaspBaseWorkChain, self.ctx.vasp_base) running = self.submit(VaspBaseWorkChain, **inputs) tag = self.ctx.stage_tag calc_type = self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag]'Submitted VaspBaseWorkchain <pk>:{} for {tag}_{calc_type}') return ToContext(workchain=(append_(running)))
[docs] def inspect_stage(self): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Do the inspection of finished stage!""" try: workchain = self.ctx.workchain[-1] except IndexError: 'There is no {} in the called workchain list.'.format(self.ctx.workchain_static[-1].process_label) ) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_CALLED_WORKCHAIN # pylint: disable=no-member if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'Workchain failed with unrecoverable failure!') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE # pylint: disable=no-member # We need to know if it is a production relax stage. self.ctx.prod_static = False self.ctx.prod_relax = False nsw = self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.parameters.get_dict().get('NSW') # Here we check of the run is production or burn! In case of production we need to check for convergence! if self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag] == 'relaxation': if self.ctx.stage_tag != 'stage_0': self.ctx.prod_relax = True self.ctx.current_structure = workchain.outputs.structure # In case someone just wants to run a single stage relax calculations. elif (self.ctx.stage_tag == 'stage_0' and nsw > 5): self.ctx.prod_relax = True self.ctx.current_structure = workchain.outputs.structure elif (self.ctx.stage_tag == 'stage_0' and nsw <= 5): self.ctx.prod_relax = False self.ctx.current_structure = workchain.outputs.structure if self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag] == 'static': if self.ctx.stage_tag != 'stage_0': self.ctx.prod_static = True # In case someone just wants to run a single stage static calculations. elif (self.ctx.stage_tag == 'stage_0' and len(list(self.ctx.protocol.get_dict().keys())) == 1): self.ctx.prod_static = True # If it is an inital stage, we do not look for convergence. if (not self.ctx.prod_static) and (not self.ctx.prod_relax): converged = True elif self.ctx.prod_static: converged = workchain.outputs.misc['converged_electronically'] elif self.ctx.prod_relax: converged = workchain.outputs.misc['converged'] # Assigning restart folder and INCAR from previous run self.ctx.restart_folder = workchain.outputs.remote_folder self.ctx.prev_incar = get_last_input(workchain) # Handling convergence issues for static and relax run. if (not converged) and self.ctx.prod_static: self.ctx.modifications = {} self.ctx.stage_iteration += 1 nelm = self.ctx.prev_incar.get_dict().get('NELM', 200) * 2 if self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.parameters['ALGO'] in ['Fast', 'VeryFast']: self.ctx.modifications.update({'ALGO': 'Normal', 'NELM': nelm, 'ISTART': 0, 'ICHARG': 2}) elif self.ctx.vasp_base.vasp.parameters['ALGO'] in ['Normal']: self.ctx.modifications.update({'ALGO': 'All', 'NELM': nelm, 'ISTART': 0, 'ICHARG': 2}) algo = self.ctx.modifications['ALGO']'Electronic Convergence has not been reached: ALGO is set to {algo} and NELM is set to {nelm}') elif (not converged) and self.ctx.prod_relax: self.ctx.modifications = {} self.ctx.stage_iteration += 1 nsw = self.ctx.prev_incar.get_dict().get('NSW', 400) + 100 self.ctx.modifications.update({'NSW': nsw})'Ionic Convergence has not been reached: NSW is set to {nsw}') # If it is converged, we move on to next stage. elif converged: self.ctx.stage_idx += 1 bg_down = workchain.outputs.misc['band_gap_spin_down'] bg_up = workchain.outputs.misc['band_gap_spin_up']'Band Gaps are {bg_down} and {bg_up}') self.out( f'final_incar.{self.ctx.stage_tag}_{self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag]}', self.ctx.prev_incar ) self.ctx.all_outputs[f'{self.ctx.stage_tag}_{self.ctx.stage_calc_types[self.ctx.stage_tag]}' ] = workchain.outputs.misc self.ctx.stage_iteration = 0 self.ctx.modifications = None if self.ctx.stage_iteration > self.inputs.max_stage_iteration:'Could not reach the convergence in stage_{self.ctx.stage_idx}! Better check them manually!') self.ctx.should_run_next_stage = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NON_CONVERGED_GEOMETRY # pylint: disable=no-member if not f'stage_{self.ctx.stage_idx}' in self.ctx.protocol.get_dict():'All stages are computed!') self.ctx.should_run_next_stage = False
[docs] def results(self): """Attach the remaining output results.""" self.out( 'output_parameters', extract_wrap_results( **self.ctx.all_outputs, metadata={ 'label': 'extract_wrap_results', 'description': 'calcfuntion to extract and wrap results of all stages.', 'call_link_label': 'run_extract_wrap_results' } ) ) self.out('structure', self.ctx.current_structure) 'VaspMultiStageWorkChain is successfully finished! Output Dict <{}>'.format( self.outputs['output_parameters'].pk ) )